Twenty-faced scorpion > Chapter 210—The Trivia of Heim's Collar 2

Chapter 210—The Trivia of Heim's Collar 2

    Fazak returned to the castle very late, at this time everyone except the night soldier rested. He took a loaf of bread and two sausages from the kitchen, and placed a can of goat's milk under his arm to prepare for staying up late. But in front of his room, he accidentally discovered that Siegel was waiting for him there.

    "The Lord, I..." Fazak’s words were not finished yet, and Siegel raised his index finger on his lips, indicating that he was whispering.

    "Jinette still doesn't know that I am getting up, let's whisper."

    He followed the fee Zach enters the room and uses magic to light the firewood in the fireplace to warm the room. The goat's milk cans floats to the flames and rotates slowly to heat up. Segal took out the elf biscuit and handed it to Fitzak: "Taste this, dessert from the Elven Forest."

    "Thank you." Fitzk The biscuits were eaten in three or two. The fragrance of a fruit fills up in the belly, the fatigue of long hours of work is quickly reduced, and the pores of the whole body are stretched out comfortably. "This is really a good thing, the Lord of the Lord."

    "Sit down," Siegel said. "Although this is your room, forgive me for being welcome." This time, Janet told me in the afternoon that the financial situation of the territory is not good, tell me the information you currently know."

    "The Lord Lord, In fact, our income has been rising, and the gold mines in the Zebra Mountain are not showing signs of exhaustion, but we are spending too fast.” Fitzak reveals a sad face and takes out a book from his backpack. : "The Elemental Magic Array and the Rune Arrow Tower have dried up our treasury, and the construction of the castle and the city wall is worse. Fortunately, you are very smart to mortgage the zebra mountain gold mine, otherwise we will even build bricks for construction. Stone can't get together. From the accounts, the gold coins can be turned over in two months, but with the arrival of spring, the planting work may become the last straw of the crushing Heim. By that time, unless you have a tough attitude, There are ways to borrow gold "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;".?? How to stop one or two projects or to reduce the speed of construction, "Siegel asked.

    "In fact, most of the money has already been spent, becoming building materials and rune materials, and is being transported to the territory. At this time, the loss is not just financial. Fitzk sighed and replied: "I don't know if I should say it, I have a doubt. Those dwarves who settled in it are likely to hide in the Rune Arrow Tower." What, because the cost is too high."

     "Show me the account." Siegel said.

    With Fitzk's finger. Siegel found the column marking the rune arrow tower, and then his eyes were as big as the plate: "24,400,800 gold coins?!" He took a breath and shook his whole body. And then said: "Is this repaired against the evil wall or the anti-magic fortress?!"

    "Adult, you also know that the dwarves are basically self-contained. Others People don't understand the knowledge of this rune. Before you leave, give the whole project to them.” Fitzak said: “If the dwarves really move in them, we can't really fall out with them. They are still needed for the construction of the city walls, the arrow towers and many places. The Zebra Mountain Gold Mine is still under mortgage.”

    Siegel frowned, obviously someone Take advantage of his trust. "Don't worry about this, I will check it out." He would remember what Eileen taught him how to distribute the spoils, and then said to Fazak: "Although they are dwarves, the dwarves who stay here are I must obey the arrangement of my lord. They are two different things from the Mullah, and Elinte is a person who pays attention to honor and justice. This will not affect the mortgage of the zebra mountain."

     Fazak nodded his lips and put away his books. "In addition, we should find ways to make money, the sooner the better. After all, after two months is spring plowing. The replacement and maintenance of cattle and horses, seeds and tools are overheads, we must also prepare food to cope with the moment when the green and yellow are not connected. - If there is at least 5,000 gold coins, it will be fine." He thought about it and finally said: "The news from the gnomes, the Rune Element Guard has no new orders for the time being, I am afraid I can't count on it. And all these actions are Based on maintaining the normal prosperity of the market, you can't suddenly reduce the cost of the castle, otherwise the creditors will smell like wild dogs. They all come together."

      "Is there any suggestion?"

    “The wall-walled mountains do contain a lot of treasures, but I have had an agreement with Mora's, and I can't let other people dig out the mineral deposits in the city walls. According to our current situation, is there any effort to develop the third mine?”

    Fazak shook his head. I understand that this is impossible. The output of the gold mine has stabilized and will not suddenly increase. Although the iron ore is excavated, the output is low and the manpower is insufficient. Now Siegel has a nickname of "the civil lord", which is circulated in the small area of ​​the southern lords. If the third mine is redeveloped, this ugly title will be really solid.

    Two people are in silence. At this time, the goat's milk had already boiled, and Siegel floated the jar and poured two cups.

     "I am now a lord, I can't smuggle on my own territory." Siegel smiled twice and said: "And I look down on pirates, naturally not I will go robbery of other people's things; I am not a liar, relying on false promises to make money; and I am not a war madman, looting other people's territory. It seems that most of the things that come to the money are prepared for the bad guys. Fitzak, you said Why is this?”

    “Because honor and conscience are the most valuable things in themselves, they don’t make money, they just sell them. "Fazak replied.

     "You said that I went to my heart." Siegel took the goat's milk cup and said to Fazak: "Respect people."

    Fazak smiled and clinked with him, then sipped a bite.

    Even if you sing good people, this thing still needs to be solved, and you should come up with a solution as soon as possible. Siegel let Fitzak eat first, and he leaned on the fireplace and thought while warming. Five thousand gold coins are not a large number, but this is only the minimum demand calculated by Fitzkak, based on the elemental rune guards continuing to maintain current income – if there is a second product.

    Because the Knox Association has been merged into the Mage Federation, the difference between offering new products and selling technology is small, and it is easy to influence the strategic situation. . They are willing to spend a lot of money on things bought at this time, and they may soon be used in war. Therefore, the channel of the Masters Federation is not a last resort, and it is not good to consider it.

    Mora is not a good market, the dwarves are interested in mineral gems and exquisite magic weapons, but in these respects Siegel will be a half-time The child can't catch up, he has nothing to sell to the dwarf. Shield River beer can become a special product. Thanks to the help of the gem clan, can you not find them again?

    Thinking about it. There are only the lords of the South who have money around. They have become accustomed to a comfortable life. For a long time, there has not been a large-scale battle. Presumably their gold coins are buried in the treasure house, and they are about to rust. The Southern Lord has no Master. There is also no consultant assistance in the city, which means they will be amazed at the magic. These people seem to be good buyers, but Siegel needs to think about their pursuit of goods.

     "What do the Southern lords need?" Siegel whispered to the flames, but Fitzkack at the tip of his ear heard it.

    "Simple but novelty, but it's best not to be a weapon or armor." Fitzk said: "If it's something that can be consumed, such as food, compare Ok, like the elf biscuits just now."

     "That's just a hunger for hunger, they won't pay for it." Siegel stood up and was He walked back and forth next to the fireplace, thinking about what he could use. Magic, this is unquestionable, such things must be applied magic, so that they can be sold for a long time in the future, not afraid of being easily copied; if the dwarf's rune technique is used like the elemental rune guard, it can increase monopoly and spells. Provide a lasting guarantee.


    Siegel suddenly had an idea.

    "Fazak. Don't worry, you can go to sleep!" Siegel ran out of the room and ran to his lab and study, and he The voice echoed in the hallway: "I have a good idea to see if I can achieve it!"

    Remember that in the Longshi Cliff, the rock priest used the firm This can improve the endurance of the surrounding companions and enhance the body's ability to recover. This runestone is costly to produce, but it is worth the money. Siegel did not want to copy this rune as it was, mainly to prevent the southern lords from using it on the army. Lift the stone and lick your own feet. Siegel wants to weaken this rune, lower it to the lowest cost, and support the least number of people.